If you are living from paycheck to paycheck and you are looking for a solution on how to eliminate credit card debt legally, then this article can help you. Fast debt reduction plans can also help you get rid of your debts if you have not able to eliminate your credit card debt legally through the stimulus package that was released the first quarter of 2009. This stimulus package simply says that you can eliminate your credit card debt legally if you have over $10,000 in unsecured balances. But for those who do not, you will need a fast debt reduction plan to help you, and this is exactly what we are going to discuss.
The very first way that Americans are able to eliminate credit card debt legally is through 0% balance transfers. Each week you will find different creditors issuing out specials that allow you to erase your credit card debt from one company and transfer it to another.
The great aspect of this fast debt reduction plan is that if you have any cash advances on any charge card that you are paying a higher percent interest rate on it, it can be transferred so you do not have to suffer any more penalties from your creditors. Leaving this debt at a high interest rate with your current company will increase the amount that you owe two-fold if you are not careful.
If you do not find any specials or any mailers that are being sent to you every week, contact one of your creditors and ask them when the next time is that they are running a 0% APR balance transfer. You do not want to settle for anything less, because these specials are run all the time, and if your creditor does not offer them, than call another creditor and ask them and they will be happy to take your business. This will get rid of your balance that are being charged a high interest rate and will give you the time to set up a fast debt reduction plan for yourself.
Did you know you can erase your credit card debt?
It is now perfectly legal to Erase Credit Debt according to the new stimulus package if you have over $10,000 in debt.
They give out free information to help you erase your credit card debt once according to the new stimulus package.
Click Here. It takes less than 10 seconds.
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